Author: Michelle Wood
Forest Photography and a very cool ‘expose to the right’ histogram exposure technique
Personally, I love forests, being surrounded by lots of green trees, sturdy trunks giving the sens of quiet strength, the sounds of the whispering breezes and the sometimes-noisy birds, all that fresh oxygen makes one almost giddy. But, for a photographer, there can be a downside. If you’ve ever tried making landscape photos in a…
The What and Why of Color Space
What is color space? If you’ve browsed the Photo Shooting settings menu of your dslr, you’ve likely seen a setting for Color Space. Unless you have some super-special video camera, you’ll see two choices, sRGB, the factory default setting on most dslrs, and Adobe. In my Nikons, the designation is visible in the file name.…
Avoid damage to your framed photos
Most of us, myself included, put our photographs in a frame with glass and hang them in a desired location without much thought for what happens to them once they’re on the wall beyond our pleasure in seeing them there. To keep your beautiful, precious photos safe while on display, here’s some very useful advice…
Portrait or landscape orientation for landscapes?
It may seem like a funny question. Landscape orientation, in which your photo is wider than it is tall, is for landscapes, right? Portrait orientation in which your photo is taller than it is wide, is for, well, portraits and people! I invite you to try new things! Especially if there is a particular landmark…
Warming Up For Photography
Warm-up exercises are a great practice to add to any regular routine or task you do! I hadn’t thought about this until seeing a recent article for artists that suggested drawing circles, squares, triangles, wavy shapes and straight lines as warm-up exercises. This is not only for the eye, but the fingers and wrists as…
Great Photos Take Great Planning
Great photos take great planning. Not necessarily elaborate or complicated, but definitely great attention to detail. Here are some tips for planning three popular styles of photography, closeups, landscapes, and portraits. Closeups – bokeh. The whole point behind a closeup is the attention to the detail of your subject. You can emphasize that by creating…
Best Times of Day to Shoot: Golden Hour and Blue Hour
You will find the most beautiful, kindest, gentlest light for your landscape photos during the Golden Hour or the Blue Hour. Golden Hour is the 90 minutes just after sunrise and just before sunset. The light is soft and gives a lovely hue to your landscapes, and especially portraits of people taken outside. Blue Hour,…
Let your style find you!
Let your style find you! Many photographers think (or are told) they have to choose or define their style right out of the gate. Why is that, I wonder? It’s good to define yourself and your work, but let it be an organic process to begin, don’t force yourself into a box. In my opinion,…
Stop looking for interesting things, make things interesting!
Pretty frequently, I hear photographers lamenting that they can’t find anything interesting to shoot. The best advice I ever received as a photographer was “don’t look for interesting things, make things look interesting.” ~ Joel Sartore in his Fundamentals of Photography courses. Purchase Joel Sartore’s Courses online:Order DVD or watch online directly from The Great…
Expose Your Triangle – Shutter Speed
It’s called the Exposure Triangle….and seems to be one of the most confusing things in photography. So, what is it anyway? The exposure triangle is three settings that go hand-in-hand that let you create amazing photos: ISO, Shutter Speed, and Aperture. Today, I’ll cover Shutter Speed. You can think of this in terms of ‘how…